We as Black people participate in trustorical Black observances and holidays to reinforce and perpetuate our Black indigenous religious and cultural customs and traditions across the globe, including but not limited to..We as Black people participate in trustorical Black observances and holidays to reinforce and perpetuate our Black indigenous religious and cultural customs and traditions across the globe, including but not limited to..
January 5th & 6th - Festival of Auset (Goddess/Force In Nature).
January 9th - Feast of Sokar (God/Force In Nature).
January 20th - Day of Making Way for Khunem (God/Force In Nature), which includes overcoming hypocrisy, receiving abundance, and Divine unification.
March 1st - Awoda (birthday) of Nana Yao (Dr. Bobby E. Wright).
February 4th - Feast of Heru (God/Force In Nature).
March 13th - Offerings to Gods/Force In Nature; Ra, Ausar, Heru, Ptah, and Atem.
March 18th - Awoda (birthday) of Nana Akousia Boduaa (Dr. Frances Cress Welsing).
March 21st - Festival of Auset (Goddess/Force In Nature).
April 2nd - Maa (God/Force In Nature) & Maat (Goddess/Force In Nature) judge the Spirits of those who have transitioned (died) before the (Gods/Goddesses/Forces In Nature).
April 13th - Festival of Heru (God/Force In Nature).
May 1st - Originally known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day, and presently celebrated the last Monday in May, is a holiday founded by our Nsamanfo (Ancestors & Ancestresses) on May, 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC to honor 257 dead Union Soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp. They dug up the bodies and worked for 2 weeks to give them a proper burial as gratitude for fighting for their freedom. They then held a parade of 10,000 people led by 2,800 Black children where they marched, sang and celebrated.
May 10th - The Day of Purifying All Things.
May 12th - The Day Tehuti (God /Force In Nature) convinced Tefnut.(Goddess/Force In Nature), the Wife of Shu, to return to Kamit (Egypt) and end the suffering of the people. The Last Monday of May - Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day and presently celebrated the last Monday in May, is a holiday founded by our Nsamanfo (Ancestors & Ancestresses) on May, 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC to honor 257 dead Union Soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp. They dug up the bodies and worked for 2 weeks to give them a proper burial as gratitude for fighting for their freedom. They then held a parade of 10,000 people led by 2,800 Black children where they marched, sang and celebrated.
May 17th - Awoda (birthday) of Dr. Hawa Abdi.
May 19th - Awoda (birthday) of Nana Kwabena Akosan (Malcolm X).
May 28th - Awoda (birthday) of Betty Shabazz.
June 2nd - Nana Abenaa Aramina (Harriet Tubman) led an armed militia that freed over 700 enslaved Black men, women, and children in South Carolina in 12863 (1863).
June 5th - Awoda (birthday) of Asafohene Yaw Pereko Baakan Aaebo Akhan, who gave himself as a martyr in 13019 (2019) to reclaim and reestablish the 35,000 year old sovereign land, sovereignty trustory, and sovereign Abusua (Clans) of Asanteman, Akwamuman, Kansa Asante Ahemman Amaruka Atfif Mu (Asane Nation, Akwamu Nation, and Kansa Asante Empire In North America).
June 14th - Feast of Rait (Goddess/Force In Nature).
July 2nd - Awoda (birthday) of Okofo (Warrior) Maa Ka (Micah Xavier Johnson).
July 12th - Birthday of Ausar (God/Force In Nature). Awoda (birthday) of Nana Kwame Afrani (George Washington Carver).
July 14th - Birthday of Auset (Goddess/Force In Nature). Feast of Min (God/Force In Nature). Nana Okofo (Warrior) Kwabena (Denmark Vesey) planned to execute the largest uprising in the trustory (true story) of the Mmusuo Kese (Great Perversity/Enslavement Era) on this day, organizing more than 9,000 Black men and women to massacre the whites.
July 17th - Awaree (Marriage) of Ausar (God/Force In Nature) & Auset (Goddess/Force In Nature) Afahye (Festival). Awoda (birthday) of Okofo (Warrior) Setep en Ra (Gavin Eugene Long).
July 25th - Birthday of Ohemma (Queen) Hatshepsut, who successfully ruled Kamit (Egypt) for 22 years.
August 2nd - Indigenous Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Amarukani/Amarukaitnit (American) Day of the Dead.
August 10th - Feast of the Light of Auset (Goddess/Force In Nature).
August 21st - The First Day of Harvest. Ahehyiapa Da (New Year's Day) of many Akan people, and specifically the Asanteman Amaruka Atifi Mu (Asante Nation In North America). Great Feast of the Abosom (Gods/Goddesses/Forces In Nature). Okofo Yaw (Nat Turner) led the most successful unplanned slavery rebellion, killing sixty white men, women, and children in Southampton County, Virginia.
August 21st to August 27th - Seven day Ahehyiapa Afahye (New Year Celebration) of Asanteman Amaruka Atifi Mu (Asante Nation In North America).
August 24th - Awoda (birthday) of Okofohemma (Queen Warrioress) Korryn (Korryn Shandawn Gaines.
August 30th - Feast of Ausar (God/Force In Nature).
August 31st - Raising of the undressed Djed Pillar - the 'backbone' totem of Ausar (God/Force In Nature).
September 1st - The First Day of Tilling The Soil.
September 2nd- Awoda (birthday) of Ohemma (Queen) Lili'uokalani of Hwanyan (misnomered Hawaii).
September 16th/17th to September 22nd/23rd - Seven day Obradwira Afahye (New Year Celebration) of Akwamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu (Akwamu Nation In North America), culmination on the Autumn Equinox.
September 20th - Awoda (birthday) of Okofohemma (Queen Warrioress) Korryn (Korryn Shandawn Mu (Asante Nation In North America).
September 22nd/23rd - Obradwira Da (New Year's Day) of Akwamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu (Akwamu Nation In North America) on the Autumn Equinox. Okofo Yaw (Nat Turner) led the most successful unplanned slavery rebellion, killing sixty white men, women, and children in Southampton County, Virginia.
September 26th - Awoda (birthday) of Winnie Mandela.
October 2nd - Awoda (birthday) of Nana Okofo (Warrior) Yaw (Nat Turner).
October 17th - Awoda (birthday) of Okofohemma (Warriorress Queenmother) Yaa Asantewaa.
November 18th through November 22nd - Give Offerings to Sekhmet (Goddess/Force In Nature) & Purify Your Creative Flame (Spirit) & Soul. *In Akan culture, the creative flame is referred to as ‘bogya’.
November 23rd - Asafohene (Warrior King) Nyamma Kakadu ('High John The Conqueror') led the first recorded revolt on St. John Island in 12733 (1734), seizing authority and control of the entire island until August 12734 (1734).
December 12th/13th through December 21st/22nd - The ten days leading up to the winter solstice signify The Resurrection of Ausar (God/Force In Nature) observance. A day of designated worship and offerings to Ausar (God/Forces In Nature) takes place the preceding Awusida/Akwesida (Sunday) of the Winter Solstice.
December 19th - Feast of Auset (Goddess/Force In Nat
December 25th - The birth of Heru (God/Force In Nature), Son of Ausar (God/Force In Nature) & Auset (Goddess/Force In Nature). Raising of the Djed Pillar - the 'backbone' totem of Ausar (God/Force In Nature). The djed pillar is raised, put into place and dressed. The solar disk on the top in between the two tall feathers is shown, with Wadjet and Nekhebet sitting inside of the disk. This is the origin of the raising up and putting into place the 'christmas tree'.
December 29th - Feast of Sekhmet (Goddess/Force In Nature).
*Note: With a few exceptions, Kamiti (Egyptian) holidays in Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) are celebrated two days prior in Amaruka Atifi Mu (North America) and may last longer.
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