Sakomufo Akosua Tanisha Boduaa Seshat Aaebo-Akhan, who carries the Asante indigenous asuman (talisman) name - Mama Owo Kokoo Nduru (Mama Red Snake Medicine), is an indigenous Akan (Asante) American descendantess of royal Akan (Asante & Akwamu) Americans who voluntarily migrated to North America before the enslavement era, including the "Lansing Man", whose 35,000 year old indigenous Akan (Asante) American skeletal remains were discovered in Lansing, Kansas in 1902.
Sakomufo is Komfoah (Priestess/Healeress/Conductress) of The Indigenous Underground Railroad & Okofohemma (Warrioress Queen) of the 35,000 year old Asante Nation In North America, Akwamu Nation In North America, and Kansa Asante Empire In North America originally founded and established in Kansa (Kansas). Sakomufo is the first to produce irrefutable evidence that clarifies the genetic, cultural, and religious distinctions between identifying as Black indigenous versus Black "indian".
Sakomufo also openly shares thought provoking testimony regarding her experiences being human trafficked at birth, her countless failed attempts to escape human trafficking, and being forced to leave her Children behind in order to garner legal and financial support to free herself and her Children from over a century of intergenerational Black human trafficking. Sakomufo works to accomplish this goal while spearheading The Indigenous Underground Railroad originally founded and established in Kansa (Kansas) over 150 years ago.
Sakomufo launched Black Sovereignty Nationism as the first bloodless revolution blueprint that exclusively exists to globally inspire, empower, and educate Black people to reclaim their individual, familial, and communal sovereignty. Her greatest objective is to expose the reality that indigenous Akan American descendants/descendantesses remain the sole owners/owneresses of Kansa (Kansas) and Hwanyan (Hawaii), and to restore them as exclusively sovereign and segregated territories governed by Kansa Asante Empire.
Visit to participate in the free onsite and online events Sakomufo hosts year round, but to schedule Sakomufo to be a speakeress at your upcoming onsite or online event, please
Black Sovereignty Nationism is the first bloodless revolution blueprint that exclusively exists to globally inspire, empower, and educate Black people to reclaim their individual, familial, and communal sovereignty, while overcoming every obstacle they face. Black Sovereignty Nationism is founded upon eleven foundational principles; Ritual, Routine, Solitude, Fasting, Focus, Planning, Prioritizing, Adaptation, Productivity, and Self Defense (Offensive/Defensive Warfare), which specifically highlights:
Our podcast, Black Sovereignty Nationism, details how having a comprehensive social services blueprint that facilitates the operation of sixteen life sustaining institutions can and will dismantle and circumvent white supreme nationalism judicially, culturally, spiritually, politically, financially, militantly, and educationally to ensure Black people intergenerationally reclaim, preserve, and protect their Ancestral identity and their individual, familial, and communal sovereignty.
International Black Social Services partners with Black Sovereignty Nationism to provide comprehensive social services that facilitate the operation of sixteen life sustaining institutions; Economics, Education, Entertainment, Food, Religion, Military, Law, Politics, Employment, Healthcare, Insurance, Transportation, Communication, Housing, Clothing, and Planning that can and will dismantle and circumvent white supreme nationalism judicially, culturally, spiritually, politically, financially, militantly, and educationally so that Black people are able to intergenerationally reclaim, preserve, and protect their Ancestral identity and their individual, familial, and communal sovereignty.
Black Sovereignty Nationism is the evolution from pursuing civil rights to demanding sovereignty rights, from relishing freedom from physical slavery to eradicating mental slavery.. resulting in the birth of THE NEW BLACK CODE.
Black Sovereignty Nationism will showcase esteemed Black guests across the globe who possess the most creative and powerful effective project management blueprint strategies needed to produce products, services, and solutions affordably and free of charge whenever possible.
Tune in to Black Sovereignty Nationism at
Stay tuned for upcoming Black Sovereignty Nationism books, courses, and workshops.
*Black Sovereignty Nationism is for Black people only.
© Copyright by Sakomufo Akosua Tanisha Boduaa Seshat Aaebo-Akhan 2013, 2024.
Few know the state of Kansas joined the union as a slave state and the first white settlers to arrive there promptly began kidnapping and enslaving the indigenous Akan Americans, mostly women and children, there who were the first to settle the territory after migrating to America from the Ghana, Ivory Coast over 35,000 years ago according to the archaeological discovery of the human skeletal remains of our direct Ancestor found in Lansing, Kansas and who is referred to as “The Lansing Man”.
The Indigenous Underground Railroad was founded by indigenous Akan Americans who voluntarily migrated to North America and established a peaceful civilization in Kansa (Kansas) prior to the enslavement era, but were forced to form a militia to recover members of their Clan that white european and asian migrants began kidnapping and enslaving in the 1500s.
The indigenous Akan Americans, known as the Kansa, Paani, Osagye, and Koromankyi (Komankyi), responded appropriately by waging war and commencing to slaughter white settlers from 1854 to 1861 in their forest civilizations. This ultimately forced the Kansas government to conduct a new election declaring itself a free state on January 29, 1861 under the false notion that the first election results were due to voting fraud and without publicizing the total number of white settler deaths.
Fast forward to today and Kansas City has been the number ten city for Black human trafficking in this country for decades because the descendants of the same white settlers continue to kidnap and enslave the direct descendants and descendantesses of the same indigenous Akan Americans who founded Kansa (Kansas) as home of the Kansa Asante Empire in North America, the Asante Nation in North America, and the Akwamu Nation in North America.. under the guise of black on black criminality.
The Indigenous Underground Railroad now functions as the most sophisticated anti-slavery Black sovereignty network that works meticulously and relentlessly trains Black individuals, families, and communities to embody and destroy the reasons why Black women continue to be the demographic representing over 51% of all victims of human trafficking in the United States since the Emancipation Proclamation, why human trafficking is the second most profitable crime.
The Indigenous Underground Railroad offers a groundbreaking four week certification course, Slavery Hidden In Plain Sight, that elucidates how having a comprehensive anti Black human trafficking blueprint that exposes and exploits the vulnerabilities of human trafficking operations and details effective judicial, cultural, spiritual, political, financial, militant, and educational strategies to eradicate Black human trafficking once and for all.
Stay tuned for upcoming The Indigenous Underground Railroad books, courses, and workshops.
NOTE : The Black women who comprise the over 51% of all victims of human trafficking in this country since the Emancipation Proclamation are more likely to be arrested for attempting to escape and misdiagnosed with a mental illness for whistleblowing the human traffickers responsible than rescued.
*The Indigenous Underground Railroad is for Black people only.
Ohemmaaaguasua is the central institution of learning within Asanteman Amaruka Atifi Mu (Asante Nation in North America) that embodies our archived mental, physical, spiritual, energetic, and intellectual inheritance passed down to us by our Nananom Nsamanfo (Honorable Ancestors & Ancestresses) for hundreds and thousands of years in Amaruka Atifi Mu (North America) and on the continent of Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa). Ohemmaguasua was founded by Akan people of the Asante subgroup who established Kansa Asante Ahemman (Kansa Asante Empire) in Kansa (misnomered the state of Kansas) over 35,000 years ago after voluntarily migrated from West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) to Amaruka Atifi Mu (North America). This is evidenced by the 35,000 year old human skeletal remains of the “Lansing Man” dug up in the loess banks of the Missouri River near Lansing, Kansas in February 1902, who was an Akan (Asante) man.
Ohemmaaguasua is a combination of the Twi-Akan terms Ohemma, agua, and sua. The term Ohemma means Queen/Queenmother and the term Okofohemma means Warrioress Queen/Queenmother. The term agua (adwa) means a seat, chair, throne. And the term sua means to learn, to study. Thus the term Ohemmaaguasua means the throne of the Queen/Queenmother or Warrioresss Queen/Queenmother, which in Akan culture ritually elucidates the all encompassing divinely appointed responsibilities of the appointed Ohemma (Queen/Queenmother) or appointed Okofohemma (Warrioress Queen) of Asanteman Amaruka Atifi Mu (Asante Nation In North America) established in Kansa (misnomered the state of Kansas) over 35,000 years ago to teach, guide, and heal Black people (by example) to live in harmony with Divine law, which is deemed the fundamental basis of all institutions in civilization.
Not only were over forty percent of the indigenous African Americans who were already in Amuraka Atifi (North America) prior to the Mmusuo Kese (Great Perversity/Enslavement Era) were Akan.. over forty percent of the native Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (African) men and women captured as prisoners of war (POWs) and forced to migrate to Amaruka Atifi Mu (North America) during the Mmusuo Kese (Great Perversity/Enslavement Era) in the 1500s and 1600s were Akan. Thus nearly every Black family in Amaruka Atifi (North America) can trace their Ancestral roots back to the Akan peoples of the Ghana, Ivory Coast region of West Afuraka/Afuraitkait (Africa) to some extent and can benefit from the Divine Wisdom transmitted by the appointed Ohemma (Queen/Queenmother) or appointed Okofohemma (Warrioress Queen) engaging in akom (spirit communication) and nkom (spirit possession).
Download our 22 free e-books and register for our online courses:
*All Ohemmaaguasua is for Black people only.
Preparing food as medicine in Asante culture, and all authentic African Black cultures, is an act of daily ritual. We meticulously combine natural plants, stems, and roots to energetically, spiritually, and physically realign ourselves. Even in these modern times, this age-old tradition consistently yields delicious meals, holistic remedies, and preventative healthcare solutions that are absent from most Black communities across the globe.
The decision to launch Nduru Cuisine as an authentic Asante culinary expression restaurant is founded upon the principle of sankofa, meaning to return (san), go (ko) and grasp (fa) knowledge of the Asante expression of our Black Ancestral diet, acknowledging that Black people are the only internally melanin dominant human beings, and when/if we consume akyiwade (taboo) foods and beverages, we are abdicating our responsibility to preserve our physical and spiritual immunity.
All of our menu selections will be vegan, natural, made from scratch, and do not contain nuts, salt, or sugar. We do not use hybridized, genetically modified, genetically engineered, or synthetic ingredients. Every order is crafted like a farmacy prescription, intended to resurrect and perpetuate our proud tradition of preparing staple foods our Nananom Nsamanfo (Honorable Ancestors & Ancestresses) pioneered centuries ago.
Our menu selections and products are exclusively for Black people. Stay tuned for updates regarding our fundraiser efforts and scheduled grand opening in Kansas City in 2025. Nduru Cuisine will also offer individual and community events, classes, trainings, and workshop, in addition to offering free meals to underserved Black students.
Thank you for supporting our fundraiser efforts.
*All Nduru Cuisine menu selections are for Black people only.
Decades ago Sakomufo wrote music for up and coming artists. A few that are now household ones. Sakomufo has prioritized the needs of so many, and finally it is her turn to share her gifts, talents, and spiritual calling with the world.
Hands down. Sakomufo's music is a new genre called Ritual Rap because she exclusively pins lyrics and orchestrates instrumentals via ritual akom (spirit possession) and nkom (spirit communication) that gives Black Ancestors/Ancestresses a voice.
Sakomufo's consolidates her unique perspective as a Mother, Priestess, Warrioress Queen, and Entreprenueress who can attest to the invaluable benefits of never straying from your Ancestral religion and culture.
Real music inspires. Real music educates. Stay tuned for the release of Sakomufo's upcoming album, Unapologetically Indigenous. You owe to yourself to hear what your Ancestors/Ancestresses who fought, bled, and died for you have to say..
Check out recent music lyrics and videos at
Are you a music engineer or rap artist/artistess seeking to create and collaborate on a new music genre project?
Email for more information.
*All music by Sakomufo is for Black people only.
Kwa Ndurufo - Hoodoo People Tours is an expedition that elucidates the trustory of the indigenous Akan Americans who voluntarily migrated to North America over 35,000 years ago per archaeological discovery, who each individually declared themselves a Kwa Nduru - Subject of Hoodoo, and were the first to settle in Kansa (Kansas), renamed Pereko in 2019 by Honorable Kansa (Kansas) Asante Ancestors and Ancestresses.
Sakomufo, the first to reveal the proud ancestry and heritage of the first indigenous inhabitants of Kansa (Kansas) and share her unique perspective as the Mother whose firstborn Son, Asafohene Yaw Pereko Baakan Aaebo-Akhan gave himself as a martyr to ensure Pereko and its capital - Kwa Nduru (Quindaro) is legally reclaimed by direct descendants and descendantesses of the indigenous Akan (Asante) Americans.
From revealing the true origin of the story - Wizard of Oz, that it was indigenous Akan Americans who declared Kansas civil war in 1850s, that the first industrial district was built in Pereko, the longevity and significance of Kansa Asante Empire. Sakomufo will focuse on the rich religious, cultural, financial, agricultural, and leadership customs of indigenous Akan Americans that remain unbroken until this day.
Participants will witness and have the opportunity to participate in indigenous Ancestral Akan American ritual prayer, libation, offerings, song, dance, husbandry, protection, divination, rootwork/medicine, animal totems, and more at sacred locations. Tour destinations will include the first HBCU, cemetery, hospital, industrial district, river shore community, and preserved Underground Railroad paths.
Stay tuned for the announcement of Kwa Ndurufo - Hoodoo People Tours in the Summer of 2025.
*All Kwa Ndurufo - Hoodoo People Tours are for Black people only.
Mama’s Healing Tears is a holistic product line born from decades of lessons and eventual success by Sakomufo, who despite lacking traditional access to healthcare, remained determined to use her innate Ancestral gifts and powers as Komfoah (Priestess/Healeress) to remedy ailments she, her Children, and others she was mandated to heal encountered while a victim of human trafficking.
All of Sakomufo's products are vegan, natural, made from scratch, and do not contain wheat, nuts, salt, or sugar. Sakomufo does not use GE/GMO, hybridized, or synthetic ingredients and every product is hand crafted like a farmacy prescription.
Stay tuned for Sakomufo's official product release. You deserve to experience the benefits of the holistic food as medicine our Ancestors & Ancestresses invented thousands of years ago, and still exist as effective remedies and conveniences today.
Not feeling your best? Check out our products at
*All Mama's Healing Tears products and services are for Black people only.
According to the archaeological discovery of “The Lansing Man”, the Akan human skeletal remains found in Lansing, Kansas in 1902, which proves Black people voluntarily migrated to North America over 35,000 years ago and Charleston Port records of disclosing the ethnicity of all POWs (Prisoners Of War) forced to migrate to North America during the enslavement era.
This is important because over 40% of indigenous Americans who arrived before the enslavement era were Akan and over 40% of those forced here during the enslavement era in the 1500s and 1600s were Akan. The Akan/Twi term ‘mogya’ means kin, blood, and family. This means nearly every Black person in this country likely has Akan mogya (blood) flowing through their veins.
Mojo Oracle Adebisa is a family adebisa (divination) gathering in which timely Divine messages are channeled by Sakomufo as Komfoah (Priestess/Oracle), while she engages in akom (spirit possession) and nkom (spirit communication) in order to inspire and empower Black people to assimilate nyansa (Divine wisdom) to overcome every obstacle we face in life, no matter where we are located.
Sakomufo has been performing adebisa (divination) since the age of three, and although she accepts donations, does not charge for adebisa (divination).
Stay tuned for upcoming Mojo Oracle Adebisa online and in person events to address your questions and concerns regarding all aspects of life; love, life, career, finances, spirituality, relationships, recreation, and more.
To learn more about our soon to be released Oracle Deck, visit
*All adebisa (divination) services provided by Sakomufo are for Black people only.
Some of the most gifted Black people in this country not only transformed the product and services aspect of countless industries, but generated millions and billions of dollars in profit, while simultaneously being robbed of their opportunity to become entrepreneurs and entrepreneuresses.
That being said, we believe Black people should not have to be rich, hire an investment coach, or even have a high school diploma to access wise investments. We are instead committed to the due diligence necessary to ensure diversified investments are made available to them regardless of their financial limitations.
The primary objective of each investment venture we highlight is to produce affordable top of the line products and services that intergenerationally meet the individual, familial, and communal needs of Black people across the globe.
To learn about available investments, check out our list at
*All Investments are for Black people only.
Join Sakomu Sisters - Free Membership
Sa’ is a Twi-Akan term that means “protection, to war, cure, to separate what is correct from what is incorrect, to discriminate, proper discrimination, demarcation, delineation, judge, judgment.”
Komu’ means “to go within in reference to a hunger or desire to possess that which is needed to sustain, heal, protect, develop, govern, shelter, and clothe ourselves.”
Sakomu Sisters is Black Sisterhood determined to revive and restore the Black community to its former purified state of vitality, morality, stability, productivity, and prosperity by teaching Black people to master their power, value, identity, and purpose by empowering Black people to overcome every obstacle they face and modeling Black Sovereignty Nationism.
Sakomu Sisters are committed to ensure Black people regain absolute control over our physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, political, cultural, and financial condition, create institutions rooted in integrity, end cultural misogyny, revitalize the Black economy, achieve Black food sovereignty, end Black human trafficking (slavery), and reestablish Black towns.
Sakomu Sisters will cultivate lifelong bonds by engaging in Sisterhood activities, such as sacred rituals, rites of passage, nation building, entrepreneuresship, and more that will be passed down to the next generation, while simultaneously striving to ensure every Black girl in their circle of influence receives support and guidance to become a formidable resource in their community.
Sis. You are not reading this message by chance.
It's time to stop looking for your Tribe.
It's time to come home to your Tribe
Answer the call by registering for Sakomu Sisters Initiation at
*Only Black women can participate in Sakomu Sisters.
Sakomufo offers and promotes authentic Black cultural and religious products and services to assist Black people to embrace and embody their value, identity, and purpose. Bottomline. All Black people should exclusively support Black businesses whenever possible and practical.
Over 80% of Black spending is dictated by the priorities and preferences of Black women. Thus as Black women, we prioritize creating a budgeting blueprint as an intergenerational inheritance to eradicate burdensome, generational curses are broken and intergenerational wealth is restored.
Stay tuned for the release of an array of upcoming product and service offerings.
*All Merchandise is for Black people only.
Blue Lotus Group will produce trustorical, educational, and entertaining animated and live action films, including streaming and broadcasting services, that harness indigenous creativity to 1) teach Black children math, reading, writing, science, morality, curiosity, gardening, self esteem, responsibility, accountability, good manners, animal husbandry, problem solving, etc. and to 2) teach Black adults the indisputable excellence found in Black culture, religion, and countless clan groups from a individual, familial, and collective perspective, rooted in Black sovereignty.
If you are a Black filmmaker or Black animator in search of the perfect project.. one that will challenge you but also has limitless potential that has been vetted, email to inquiry about our pending projects.
*All Film & Animation is for Black people only.
International Black Social Services provides comprehensive social services, including; medical, dental, vision, food, legal, clothing, housing, childcare, childbirth, burial, addiction, employment, entrepreneurship, transportation, and mental health services assistance, and more to Black individuals and families in need via the global fundraising efforts of Black owned businesses committed to offer "round up" to the next dollar purchase transactions.
International Black Social Services plays a crucial role in facilitation and preservation of sixteen life sustaining institutions; Economics, Education, Entertainment, Food, Religion, Military, Law, Politics, Employment, Healthcare, Insurance, Transportation, Communication, Housing, Clothing, and Planning to judicially, culturally, spiritually, politically, financially, militantly, and educationally dismantle and circumvent white supreme nationalism.
International Black Social Services is committed to operating with integrity and thus publishes its financial statements online, detailing all donations received and monies disbursed, for the Black general public to examine on a routine basis. Black business owners, please stay tuned for International Black Social Services' official national and subsequent international launch of its The Round Up Program client website and affiliate app.
International Black Social Services offers essential aid in the form of medical, dental, vision, food, legal, clothing, housing, childcare, childbirth, burial, addiction, employment, entrepreneurship, transportation, and mental health services assistance and resources to Black individuals and families in need via the global fundraising efforts of Black owned businesses committed to offer "round up" to the next dollar purchase transactions.
International Black Social Services is committed to operating with integrity and thus online publishes its financial statements, reflecting all donations received and monies disbursed, for the general public to examine on a monthly basis.
Stay tuned for the official release of The Round Up Program client website and affiliate app.
*International Black Social Services & The Round Up Program is for Black people only.
Sakomuman, the 'Sovereign Nation', is a designation reserved for the Black descendants and descendantesses of indigenous African (Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit) Americans (Amarukanu/Amarukaitnut) in Amaruka Atifi (North America) who maintain their unbroken cultural and religious traditions of sovereignty by ritually going within to sankofa, return (san), go (ko) and grasp (fa) and apply the ancient knowledge, wisdom, and truths necessary to resolve every dilemma in a balanced and harmonious fashion.
Most Black people know the last African Empire to fall on the continent of Africa was the Asante Ghana Empire in the Ghana, Ivory Coast region. Yet few Black people know that one of the first African empires established in North America and that has never fallen is Kansa (Kansas) Asante Empire, a truth substantiated by the archaeological discovery of “The Lansing Man”, the Akan human skeletal remains found in Lansing, Kansas in 1902 which prove Black people voluntarily migrated to North America over 35,000 years ago.
Kansa Asante Empire, as a Black sovereign territory and civilization, is located in Kansa (Kansas), renamed Pereko in 2019 by Honorable Kansa (Kansas) Asante Ancestors and Ancestresses in recognition of Asafohene Yaw Pereko Baakan Aaebo Akhan giving himself as a martyr to ensure the land and its capital - Kwa Nduru (Quindaro) is legally reclaimed by direct descendants and descendantesses of the indigenous Akan (Asante) Americans who founded Kansa (Kansas) Asante Empire, because the United States lacked pecuniary powers to confiscate the land.
Sakomufo, as Okofohemma (Warrioress Queen) of Kansa Asante Empire, is going to reestablish Pereko and its capital - Kwa Nduru (Quindaro) as the most culturally rich, technologically advanced, and financially prosperous, segregated and sovereign Black territory in existence that welcomes Black people committed to restore and maintain the countless expressions of authentic Ancestral customs, rituals, traditions, religion, and culture that has kept Kansa (Kansas) Asante Aheeman (Empire) alive and well for over 35,000 years.
*Black Sovereign Territory is for Black people only.
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